Hi, I’m Tom.
I’m a tech enthusiast, software guy, and recent returnee to ham radio after 22 years out. Member of RADARC, and shortly RAYNET. Formerly 2E1EPQ, licenced in 1995. I’m now tweeting as @tom_m0lte.
You’ll find me mucking about with HF, wire antennas, APRS, 70cms, WSPR, and SDR.
My home station, so far, is:
- Yaesu FT-450D
- 20m resonant dipole
- MFJ-974HB manual tuner
- SDRPlay RSP1 plus MFJ 1708 auto tx-rx switch as panadapter
- various wire antennas
I also have my trusty old FT-470 dual band HT, and a FT-1500m 50W 2m FM mobile. Not much 2m FM around here, but fantastic for events.
I run an APRS rx-only IGate, covering central and west Reading, UK, out to about 15 miles, sometimes further. This is just a Raspberry Pi 2, an RTL dongle, and a homebrew 5/8ths whip on an SO239 chassis socket, all in the attic, running Direwolf. I’ll write a blog on this soon.