I’m pleased to say I got word today that I successfully passed the UK Advanced amateur radio examination.
So, formerly 2E1EPQ, and now M0LTE.
Seems as good a time as any to start this new blog.
Thanks particularly to Alison G8ROG, Harry G3NGX, Ray G3SCZ and the guest lecturers, for delivering a really engaging course.
And congratulations, so far at least, to Barry M0SQZ and Dorian M0SLG on their passes – it was a hard exam. Best of luck to those we haven’t heard from yet.
If you’re out there, G0PMF, GOPMG, G1BSN plus others long since out of touch – e.g. Dick and son Richard, thanks for everything in 1995. Little did I know I’d be taking this back up again all these years later. I’ve got a lot to thank you all for – quite probably including at least in part my career. If Google ever brings you to this page, do drop me a line. Best wishes to you all.
Now for that first QSO…